Celts Have Talent
To demonstrate that the pipes and drums are not just relegated to a defined set of rules you’ll see that they integrate well with other musical instruments and styles.
A special event to encourage pipers and drummers to integrate with other musical instruments and styles and showcase their talent.
Celts Have Talent A: 1 to 4 pipers + any instrument + vocals; mics available. 3 to 8 minutes performance. $1500 total purse (5 Entries Maximum)
Celts Have Talent B: 5 or more pipers + any instrument; no mics available. 3 to 8 minutes performance. $1500 total purse (5 Entries Maximum)
Celebrity adjudicators will select the winner based on popularity. Judging will be heavily influenced by the audience. For further details and registration information click
(To be agreed to by competitor, or parent/guardian if under age 18)
I desire to enter the events identified, and in consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and relieve any and all claims I may have against the Campbell River Highland Gathering (CRHG) competitions for injuries which may be suffered by me while in attendance. I agree to release any photo images & video that may be taken during my participation in the CRHG competitions by a photographer authorized by the CRHG. I have read and understand the Competitor Code of Conduct on the BCPA website. I have read and understand the information in this information document.
(To be agreed to by competitor or band representative)
The player or band referenced on this entry has permission to publicly perform all of the music he/she/it will perform at Campbell River Highland Gathering (CRHG) competitions and consents to the CRHG recording, storing, reproducing and broadcasting any performances publicly through whatever means it deems appropriate. The representative of the band completing this entry has consent from all individual performers in the band to act on their behalf in providing consent to the CRHG to record, store, reproduce and broadcast performances by those performers.